Understanding LGBTQ Caregivers
Who are LGBTQ Caregivers?
The "Typical LGBTQ Caregiver"
According to the most recent report from the National Caregiver Alliance/AARP Caregiving in the US 2020:
- The typical LGBTQ Caregiver is young (42.4 years old) and unmarried
- LGBTQ Caregivers are most often caring for a parent or grandparent
- Many LGBTQ Caregivers live with the person they care for or within 20 minutes drive
- LGBTQ Caregivers report high-intensity caregiving situation spending 28 hours a week assisting with care needs
- They are more often the Primary Caregiver of their care recipient
- Most LGBTQ Caregivers work while providing care and more often report financial strain related to caregiving
- LGBTQ Caregivers more often report being in fair or poor health than non-LGBTQ Caregivers
To read the full report visit www.caregiving.org/research/caregiving-in-the-us